The hooded goblin store championship

July 15, 2023
Event #3826
Poe Dameron
Lone Wolf, BB-8, Ferrosphere Paint, Overdrive Thruster, Electronic Baffle, Integrated S-Foils, Black One, Heavy Laser Cannon
Nien Nunb
Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
L'ulo L'ampar
Predator, Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Kazuda Xiono
Notorious, R1-J5, Deadman's Switch, Kaz's Fireball
#1: Raith
Han Solo
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
Predator, Concussion Missiles
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Predator, Marksmanship
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#2: Kilum natta
Han Solo
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
Lone Wolf, Concussion Missiles
Hol Okand (BoY)
Dorsal Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Precise Astromech (BoY)
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#3: Tristan Singleton
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
Keo Venzee
Lone Wolf, Concussion Missiles, Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Hol Okand (BoY)
Dorsal Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Precise Astromech (BoY)
Bodica Venj
Predator, Mandalorian Optics, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Horton Salm
Dorsal Turret, Thermal Detonators
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
#4: Brendon Osmann-Deyman
No list submitted.
#5: Pinkerton
Han Solo
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
Predator, Concussion Missiles
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Crack Shot, Marksmanship
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Lone Wolf
#6: Evan Cameron
Jango Fett
Lone Wolf, Count Dooku, Ion Bombs, Contraband Cybernetics
Zam Wesell
Notorious, Savage Opress, False Transponder Codes, Slave I (Separatist)
Durge (Separatist)
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, Xanadu Blood, Proton Bombs
#7: R5Don4
Teza Nasz
Barrage Rockets, Dorsal Turret, R4 Astromech, Wartime Loadout
Zorii Bliss
Dorsal Turret, R4 Astromech, Wartime Loadout, Plasma Torpedoes
Jessika Pava
R2-D2 (Resistance), Integrated S-Foils
Nimi Chireen
M9-G8, Ferrosphere Paint, Integrated S-Foils
L'ulo L'ampar
Marksmanship, Lone Wolf, Shield Upgrade
#8: Mark Anderson
No list submitted.
#9: JJRockin
No list submitted.
#10: Ryan Dubois
Durge (Separatist)
Marksmanship, Synced Laser Cannons, Contraband Cybernetics
Cad Bane (Separatist)
Synced Laser Cannons, Deadman's Switch, Xanadu Blood, DRK-1 Probe Droids
General Grievous
Marksmanship, Impervium Plating, Shield Upgrade, Soulless One
Homing Torpedoes, Discord Missiles, Independent Calculations, Landing Struts
Baktoid Prototype
Discord Missiles, Energy-Shell Charges, Independent Calculations, Landing Struts
#11: Jason Starkiller
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Predator, Crack Shot, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Bodica Venj
Predator, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Keo Venzee
Wedge Antilles (A-Wing)
Marksmanship, Crack Shot
#12: Ryan Dwornik
Durge (Separatist)
Marksmanship, Proton Cannons, False Transponder Codes, Xanadu Blood
Energy-Shell Charges, Seismic Charges, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Geonosian Prototype
Cluster Missiles, Discord Missiles, Synced Laser Cannons, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Geonosian Prototype
Cluster Missiles, Discord Missiles, Synced Laser Cannons, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Energy-Shell Charges, K2-B4, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
The Iron Assembler
Discord Missiles, Independent Calculations, Grappling Struts
#13: Perry RogerRoger Low
No list submitted.
#14: Fabulos
Lieutenant LeHuse
Advanced Optics, Special Forces Gunner, Fire-Control System
Crack Shot, Predator
Marksmanship, Plasma Torpedoes, XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Predator, Advanced Optics, Cluster Missiles
Commander Malarus
Angled Deflectors
#15: JimmyToFu
Kylo Ren (TIE Whisper)
Brilliant Evasion, Malice, Proud Tradition, Pattern Analyzer, Enhanced Jamming Suite
Deuterium Power Cells
Commander Malarus
Cluster Missiles
Lieutenant Galek
Biohexacrypt Codes, Ion Cannon
Deuterium Power Cells
Proud Tradition, Ion Cannon
#16: Drew Edgar